Tuesday 28 May 2013

Crème Fraîche and other cream dishes

Turkey or Veal or chicken escalopes in a white wine cream sauce

It was on our recent visit to the Normandy that I remembered when I cooked this dish first. It was on one of our camping holidays quite a few years ago, which we spent in the Loire/Atlantique region in a small market town.
I had bought what I thought were veal escalopes ( it looked exactly like veal) but it turned out later, when I consulted the dictionary that it was actually turkey breast escalopes ("dinde"), well it did not stop us from enjoying it.
The following recipe will taste equally as good either with turkey or veal escalopes or even with chicken breast. If you do use chicken breast though, you do have to flatten it.

As the cows in the Normandy are as lucky as the cows in Ireland, being able to eat fresh green grass,   the quality of their cream and crème fraîche is exceptional, not to mention their array of different types of cheeses, with Camembert being the frontrunner. If you love the aforementioned then the North of France is your kind of paradise ( it is mine!)
When you combine cream or crème fraîche  with a good white wine, preferably a Muscadet  Sèvre et Maine, you get a very delicious tasting meal without having to do a lot. The combination of the wine and the crėme fraîche tenderizes the meat and gives it a beautiful tender  flavour.


1-2 escalopes of turkey breast/or chicken per person
The finished dish (for 4 persons)
200-300 ml crème fraîche
200-300 ml white wine 
salt and pepper
1 chicken stock cube
butter and rapeseed/sunflower oil for frying
Depending of the size of the escalopes you might need to use a little more wine or cream. 


1. Prepare the meat, cutting of any bits you don't like, lightly salt and pepper the escalopes
2. Melt enough  butter and add the oil, so that the bottom of the pan is covered and fry the escalopes at medium heat until they are golden brown.
3. Add the wine and dissolve the chicken stock in the wine.
4. Simmer the scalopes in the wine sauce for approx 30 min.
5. Add the crème fraîche and bring to the boil. Simmer for approx 5 min or until the sauce has thickened.

Serve with creamed potatoes or Pasta if you wish. A simple green salad goes best with it, or Petit Pois if fresh salad is not at hand.

Note: This is a perfect dish for preparing in advance. Once it is done you can just leave it until you want it and simply reheat it gently. If you want to leave it overnight, then you need to refrigerate it.

Note 2 For an extra little kick you can add a teaspoon of Dijon mustard (handy if the wine does not have the right "bite")

Another family favourite and so so simple!!!

Spaghetti à la Carbonara (our family style)

This recipe has really nothing to do with what you might get in an Italian Restaurant or find in a cookery book. My recipe has been tried and tested, it works every time and is a definite runner with children ( and adults too!!!) 

No need for that much parsley!!!!

Ingredients  (for 4 persons)

250 - 300gr smoked bacon/rashers
1/2 l fresh cream 
some oil for frying
A little water

spaghetti for 4 


1. Cut he bacon into small pieces and fry them in the oil
2. Add a little water to loosen all the flavours from the pan
3. Add half the cream and simmer gently
4.When the sauce has thickened turn the heat off and let the sauce stand for 1/2 hr, this is important so that the flavour of the bacon mixes with the cream.
5. Cook the Pasta and while the Pasta is cooking heat the sauce again and add the rest of the cream, simmer gently until you have a nice creamy consistency

Note: Serve with freshly grated Parmesan and freshly grounded black pepper

Note 2: Taste best with a fresh green salad

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