Wednesday 19 June 2013

More Salads

More Salads (Summer Salad and Coleslaw with a difference)

Seeing the time of the year that is in it, I think it is time to write a little more about salads.
Having been brought up in Germany, first in the East and then in the West, Salads have been always been part of our daily eating.
I was reminded of that when I met an old German friend not so long ago, who bemoaned the fact that one could not get a decent mixed salad with a meal in Ireland.
What did he mean by that. Well, there are certain dishes in Germany that are served with a mixed salad. On a German Menu it would appear as , for example:
excerpt from a Bavarian Menu
Rumpsteak mit Pommes Frites und gemischtem Salat. 
You will find this dish on a lot of  Gastro Pubs Menus in Germany.

 The "gemischter Salat", meaning mixed salad, would have, lettuce in a vinaigrette sauce or a cream sauce; cucumber salad; Krautsalat (cabbage salad; not to be mistaken for coleslaw), green or yellow bean salad; often celeriac salad; carrot salad. More often there isn't a tomato in sight.
Germans make  salads out of just about any vegetable and fruit
depending on the season. In May you will always get some white asparagus tips as part of the mixed salad.
Mixed salad leaves
In the summer, you will find fruit, like strawberries, Raspberries etc.  Come  autumn, the root vegetables will come to the forefront and the different cabbages. In  winter instead of hothouse lettuce, lambs salad is used which tastes best after the first frost.
Most supermarkets now have a vast variety of different salad leaves, from the normal head of lettuce, via the Lollo Rosso as far as the bitter Radicci.

Now to some recipes.

The following salad can be done as a side or as a main

Summer Mixed Salad

Ingredients (adjust the amounts to the number of people you want to serve)
a summer salad

lettuce leaves
spring onions
tomato squares/slices
avocado slices
red/yellow peppers slices
beet root slices ( optional)
red onion rings ( optional)
hard boiled eggs, quartered
fresh herbs (chives. parsley, basil) 
the amount and mixture depending on your taste
some grated cheese (optional)
some cooked ham ( optional)

Arrange the salad ingredients on a large plate. Serve the Salad Sauce separately so that the salad will be crispy fresh when eating. 

Salad sauce/Dill Sauce
1 helping of the normal vinaigrette
2 Tbsp crème fraîche ( or sour cream
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 Tbsp mayonnaise
fresh dill or 1/2 Tsp dried dill
Mix all the ingredients until you have a smooth sauce
Fresh Dill Sauce

Coleslaw with a difference

Ingredients ( 4-6 persons)

1/2  head of white cabbage (shredded)
1/2 red pepper
1/2 yellow pepper
1 crispy apple ( gala etc)
1 shredded carrot
parsley (optional)

Salad  Cream Sauce
Use the recipe for the dill sauce, just leave out the dill


Mix all the shredded and cut vegetables and toss in them in the Cream Sauce

                                                 Guten Appetit

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