Thursday 23 February 2017


As a Teenager I was lucky to have lots of opportunities to travel. This not only opened my eyes and ears but also my interest in food. One of my trips was to Slovenia, then part of former Yugoslavia. There I encountered different tastes, different ways of doing things. I fell in love with their food. I was lucky that Cologne had a plethora of Balkan Restaurants. The political situation in Yugoslavia had encouraged people from Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia to come and seek work in Germany. To this day some family favourites have their roots in the Balkan (for example my savoury rice which is their Djuvec rice or my Yugoslavian bean soup, which is a copy of the Serbian bean soup, to name just two)
My all time favourite though is Sataras. If you look it up on the Web you will find a lot of recipes which are all slightly different depending of whether they are of Serbian, Croatian or Bosnian origin.
But they all have  three main ingredients in common
Onions, Peppers and Tomatoes


nice lean pork steak
1 Pork steak
3 large onions
3 peppers red and yellow
5 large tomatoes
some oil for frying
salt and pepper

How to skin the tomatoes
a panful of onions

mixture of peppers
Cut the meat into bite size pieces
Fry the meat in oil until brown, salt and pepper
put on a plate
Cut the onions and fry in some oil until glassy, same procedures as meat
Same procedures with the peppers
Skin the tomatoes
Before you put things back into pan, losen the juices with a little water.
Cut the tomatoes also into pieces and put everything back into the pan, add the chili flakes or powder
Simmer gently for approx 40 minutes, stir regularly , adjust the seasoning
The finished result
Note: Serve the Sataras with brown rice or mashed potatoes
Depending on how much liquid is left you can "thicken" the Sataras by stirring in a beaten egg.
This is also helpful if you have  been a little heavy handed with the chili!

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