Tuesday 1 May 2018

Lemon-Lime Cream Chicken with Tagliatelle

"When it rains it pours", that old saying it true for many things including new recipes. (While I am writing this, it is actually raining heavily!)
I needed to do a quick dish,  as we had an appointment around Tea Time, so Pasta came to mind.  I wanted to be able to prepare something in advance and the rest could be done while the Pasta, in this case, Tagliatelle were cooking.
As Better Half is not keen on Pasta, I try to make the "Sauce" with ingredients he likes,
but I wanted to please myself and visiting eldest Granddaughter as well. I decided that the usual suspects were out, aka Bolognese, Carbonara, green Pesto etc.

The following is what I thought  would fit all our tastes.

The Ingredients


2 big free range Chicken Breast, cubed
1 large sweet red pepper, chopped
1 medium oninon, chopped
1 lemon
1 lime
250 ml fresh cream
salt and pepper
1/4 tsp chili flakes( or more if you like chili)
150 ml chicken stock
Oil for frying (preferably rapeseed oil)


1 Cut the chicken into cube size pieces, smaller rather than bigger and fry in the pan until they are cooked.
2. Add the onion pieces and pepper pieces
3. Add the chicken stock and simmer gently
4. Grate the lemon and lime and add to the mixture
5. Add the juice of half a lemon and half a lime
6. Add the cream and bring to the boil.
7. Season the mixture with salt, pepper and chili

At this stage you can stop the cooking and leave it until you want to use it later.  If you want the peppers to be crunchy. Fry them on their own in a little oil and only add them when you heat the mixture up.

All ingredients simmering gently

I served the "sauce" with Tagliatelle, but you can of course use any Pasta. I think though it suits larger Pasta better. We also had a mixed green salad as a side! (optional)
The finished result!

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