Monday 25 March 2013


Welcome to Annegret's Kitchen


It has taken me awhile to have the courage to put my recipes on a blog. I wanted the family recipes to stay in the family. But it is mainly with family and friends in mind that I am now writing this blog. I am conscious about the fact that writing recipes and then printing them, takes time. It took Julia Child and her co authors years before they finally published their "Mastering the Art of French Cooking". I do not want my family and friends to wait that long.
People who know me, know of my love for good food. Delicious food done from scratch, using only the best  and finest ingredients.
I am not promoting "haute cuisine", more often my recipes are very simple to execute and yet the result is  amazing. The ingredients I use, are easily bought in the local supermarket and local markets.
I do not cook in a particular fashion. I learned some of the dishes from both my Grandmothers (Beef Rouladen, Soups), mother (Roasts) and from people I met over the years on my travels. Some of the dishes which originated in Slowenia ( former Yugoslavia) have become our own family dish, "Yugoslavian Bean soup", is an example of that.
Then there are the recipes, which were created because of lack of a vital ingredient, aka water. 
We were in France on a camping holiday and I was making Turkey escalopes in a cream sauce, when I realised that I did not have any water in the caravan and nobody nearby to get some, so  I simply took the bottle of Muscadet, which was sitting in the fridge and the "escalopes de Dinde au vin blanc" were created. Simply delicious. Mind you it was harder back in Ireland to take a good bottle of Muscadet and  use it just for a sauce.
That was a lesson I learned very early, only use wine you like for cooking. There is no such thing as a cooking wine. If the wine is of poor quality, so will be you sauce or your dish.
But that can be said of all ingredients.
I hope you enjoy the recipes and the cooking and eating of them.

                                                             Bon Appétit

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to trying these Annagret. Thanks for sharing them with us x


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