Thursday 28 March 2013

Mary's Salad

Mary’s Salad 

This salad has been a family favourite for a long long time now. It got its name after Mary, a close friend of the family. Why name the salad after her? Well, whenever we had big Parties in the house, the food and not really the drink! was the important bit. As already mentioned (Corn Patties) there are a few vegetarians among the friends and I felt that they deserved a little more than simply eating the non meat dishes. So Mary's salad was created. It is one of the salads which is requested any time there is a gathering in the house. It even made it to a christening in Germany! But for some inexplicable reason I never made a photo of it. The photos of the vegetables below were taken at a garden fête in Belfast last year.

Prep Time: 20 to 60 min depending how many portions are needed


for approx 4-8 people depending on the size of the vegetables

1 small very fresh and firm cauliflower
2 carrots
1 gourgete
1 red/yellow pepper
1 leek
1 large eating apple/ pink lady or similar
1 Ts cut chives
½ tsp dried dill ( or 1 Tsp fresh dill)
2 portions of a normal vinaigrette dressing (1 Ts vinegar to 3 Ts rapeseed oil/sunflower, ½ tsp salt, pepper to taste)


1. Cut the cauliflower, carrots, gourgete into small pieces
2. Cut the leek into fine rings
3. Cut the apple into small pieces with the peel on
4. Mix the vegetables with the dressing and the dill
decorate with  chopped chives


The salad can be prepared a few hours before using it. Just add the dressings shortly before serving. Depending on the size of the individual vegetable, adjust the dressing to suit.

 Only use absolutely fresh vegetables

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