Friday 29 March 2013

Pork Roast

Pork Roast

To get a decent roast you need at least 4 pounds of a meat. This applies to any Roast be it Pork, Beef or Lamb.  
For this Roast I used the loin of Pork, which is easy to carve .
If you are partial to crackling then the leg of Pork would be better suited. The method is the same


4 to 6 pounds of Pork roast serves 6-8 people depending on their appetite

3-4 medium onions
3-4 fresh tomatoes
½ l or more decent white wine ( full bodied!)
2-3 cloves of garlic ( optional)
2- Tbsp dried majoram ( optional)
Salt and pepper to taste 
Pork Roast prepared for roasting


1. Peel the garlic, cut into slices, make some incisions into the meat and insert the garlic. Rub the meat with salt, pepper and majoram.

2.  Depending on the size of the roast  take a large pan and quickly brown the meat on top of the hob, or alternatively set you oven to at least 220C and roast the joint for 20 min.

3. After either browning or roasting at the high heat, place roast in roasting tin with the onions quartered and the quartered tomatoes.

4. Start roasting at 175 C. Baste the roast with the wine every 10-15 minutes. The wine will help to tenderize the meat and keep it moist. If you used up the wine you can use some water.
according to the weight you take 20 min. roasting per pound approx. a 4-6 pound roast will need usually min. 2 hrs. depending on your oven.

5. Take out the roast and let it rest
Scrape the juices with some water (if needed) and put the tomatoes and onions through a sieve; be sure to scrape off the pulp into the sauce. Add salt and pepper to taste, add some more  majoram.

6.  Reduce the liquid ( boil it in a pan) until you have the required amount for the sauce. If necessary add some more water.

7.To thicken the sauce, put a tablespoon of  flour into a jar add some water make a soft liquid pour into to the sauce, bring it to the boil again and simmer for a minute or two. This will take the flour taste out of it ( if the sauce turns out lumpy put it through a sieve again, it will reduce the lumps)

Pork Roast after Roasting!

Note:  The better quality of the meat the better the taste!
The above method can be applied to any roast,  just use Red wine for Beef and Lamb
Depending on the meat you can add different herbs, ie. Rosemaryn and Thyme for Lamb, Bay Leaf and Tarragon for Beef etc.  
                                            Be adventurous and experiment!

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